...what if we all did Just ONE Thing to make the world a better place?

Things to Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing

  • Smile! It really does make you feel better.
  • Smile at someone, and wish them a good day. Making them feel better will make you feel better.
  • Get a pet. Having a pet has been shown to improve a person's mood.

    In addition to letting animals improve your life, you could help improve theirs. Olyn Warfield champions preventing animal abuse. She has written a children's book "Omar Blue and K-9 Town". See her blog. Olyn and her daughter do readings at facilities for children and adults with special needs. They also visit senior centers and nursing homes.

  • Volunteer. There are always people worse off than you. Helping others helps you appreciate what you have.

    Margot Finke maintains a blog called Hook Kids on Reading, which includes "Random Acts of Publicity" where authors help each other promote books.

  • Add a touch of luxury to your surroundings. Drink your coffee or tea from a china cup. Light some candles. Put flowers on the table for dinner.
  • Get some houseplants. Studies show that having growing things around you relieves stress.
  • Exercise. It releases endorphins, which will make you feel better.
  • Take time to pamper yourself. Get a massage. Watch a movie. Read a book. Take a bubble bath.

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URL http://justonething.org/emotion.shtml       modified: 8/25/2012
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